Senin, 26 Desember 2016

‘Virtually Real,’ the world’s first 3D-printed VR art exhibition in London

LONDON, Dec 27 — From January 11 to 14, 2017, the Royal Academy of Art in London will present the first ever 3D-printed artworks in virtual reality, produced in collaboration with HTC Vive.
Artists from the Royal Academy and its alumni will create artwork using the virtual reality platform HTC Vive, creations that visitors to the exhibition will be able to experience in real time, “fully immersing themselves in the virtual piece.”

Art and virtual reality

The exhibition is the first of its kind, with artists using a combination of artistic software programmes such as the Tilt Brush and Kodon modeling tool, which allow the user to paint in a 3D space. SuperHuge 3D printing is then used to produce the creations in real life. The three selected artists, Adham Faramawy, Elliot Dodd and Jessy Jetpacks are all specialised in work using virtual reality, apps and multimedia.

Visitors will not only be able to walk around, under and through the exhibition, but will also be able to watch a playback of the making of each artwork, and are then invited to try their hand at creating a piece themselves using the same technology as the artists.
The Head of Fine Art Process at the Academy, Mark Hampson, explained that this exhibition was part of a long-term mission to ”become pioneers in the production of 3D sculptural forms created from virtually generated imagery,” showcasing the future of art and the possibilities of virtual reality in the creative industry.

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